Self Introduction 英语自我介绍范文(附中文译词) 您所在的位置:网站首页 self introduction范文大学生 Self Introduction 英语自我介绍范文(附中文译词)

Self Introduction 英语自我介绍范文(附中文译词)

2023-12-21 23:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  Self Introduction

  --by Ruth

  Hi, I’m Ruth. Ruth is a pretty name. Isn’t it? In Hebrew it means friendship and in English it means pity. This name is from the Book of Ruth in the Old Testament . There is a faithful woman named Ruth in this Book. She is one of the most attractive girls in the Bible. She had the gentle, affectionate nature. I hope that the kindness like her would be lived out in my life. My first English name was not Ruth, but Silent. Because I used to keep silent in my school life. So my classmates of Shunde Normal School called me Silent. In fact I was not fond of it at all. In about 1999, I met a Missionary from Ghana . Ghana is a country in West Africa. He said to me “You are a Christian. God is so great! Why do you keep silent? Why not tell people the good news about God? Come on! Do not keep silent. ” I was shocked. He’s right. Suddenly I woke up ,and asked him to give me another name. Now I’m not Silent any more, but Ruth. I hope my life is full of purity as lilies, honesty as a real Christian, and faithful as Ruth.

  I like flowers and sunshine. I love music and freedom. Hans Christian Andersen said “Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.” I agree with him completely.


  大家好,我是路得。路得是一个很美的名字,你们说是不是呀?在希伯来文,它是友情的意思,英文是怜悯的意思。这名字来自于《圣经旧约全书》中的《路得记》。这卷书中有一个名叫路得的信心妇子。她是圣经中最引人注目的女子中的一位。她有温柔、慈爱的性格。我愿自己的生命能活出像她那样的仁慈。我的第一个英文名不叫Ruth路得,而叫Silent塞伦(沉默的意思)。因为过去我常常沉默寡言,尤其是读书的时候。所以师范的同学都叫我塞伦。其实我一点也不喜欢这个名字。大约1999年我遇到一位来自加纳的宣教士。加纳是西非的一个国家。他说:“你是一个基督徒,神是那样的伟大,为什么你要沉默呢?为什么不去告诉人们关于神的好消息呢?来吧,不要再沉默了!” 我心一震,对呀!顿时醒过来,请他为我起另一个英文名。现在我不再是沉默了,而是路得。我希望生命中充满百合花那样的纯洁、一个真基督徒那样的诚实,还有路得那样的忠信。

  我喜欢鲜花和阳光。我爱音乐和自由。安徒生说“一个人仅仅活着是不够的,还需要有阳光、自由,和一点花的芬芳。”我完全赞同! 相关导读:










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